Why do papillomas appear on the body

Many people link the appearance of papilloma to the natural aging process. If you focus on the facts, you can immediately disprove the theory. Papillomas are not only seen in the elderly, but also in children and adolescents. Papillomas are signals from the body that something is abnormal. With timely attention to educational data, symptoms of dangerous diseases can be identified.

Why do papillomas occur

Papilloma: what is it?

Papilloma - a formation on the skin or mucous membranes. This product has a soft structure, resting on a base of various thicknesses. In rare cases, the size of the formation exceeds 10 mm. Usually papillomas are a few millimeters in diameter. If the growth reaches 2 cm, it must be removed and checked.

The color of the papilloma is similar to that of the surrounding tissue. If the formation has a rigid structure, it will turn white and may appear yellow. If the papilloma is on the mucous membrane, it is usually pink. After some time, the formation is covered with a gray coating, which is the result of connective tissue growth. Papillomas are benign formations, but some of them are characterized by an increased risk of degeneration into cancerous tumors.

Notice!If you notice a papilloma on your body, you need to see a doctor to diagnose the disease and get rid of the papilloma.

Types of papilloma

There are several of these formations. There are more than 100 types of papilloma, with individual characteristics. In most cases, the following types are diagnosed:

Name describe
simple Compact growth with smooth semicircular surface. Usually they occur in the area of the fingers, hands, and in rare cases, the knees. Similar formations occur in childhood and adolescence. Usually passes on its own without leaving consequences.
flat Formation with a circular shape. They are easily noticed visually because they are higher than the skin. Often triggers the occurrence of various inflammatory processes, in which people complain of itching, burning. Usually detected almost immediately after appearance
sole Papilloma, often confused with maize in the early stages of development. After a period of time, a margin forms in the stratum, and the center of the papilloma can be distinguished. When walking, people notice signs of severe discomfort and sometimes pain. Another name for this type of papilloma is spines.
Filamentous An elongated growth resembling several connected threads. Usually develops later in life. The most popular location areas: neck area, underarms, near the eyes. They are characterized by a high risk of injury due to their inconvenient shape
condyloma acuminatum Papillomas are located on the mucosa. They are characterized by the highest degree of danger because of their increased risk of malignancy. These formations need to be removed urgently. If you notice such growth, you should consult a doctor immediately

Specific papillomas can be classified into specific groups based on external signs. To accurately determine the type of papilloma, the cause of its appearance, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive examination with the help of a specialist.

Causes of papilloma

These formations occur when infected with human papillomavirus. When HPV is infected, growths may not appear immediately. If a person has strong immunity, the incubation period can last for several years. When the body's natural defenses are weakened, pronounced disease manifestations occur. The presence of papilloma is considered a clear sign of HPV.

in women

Virus activity may increase under the influence of specific causes. Papillomas usually form during pregnancy, as immunity declines dramatically and physical condition deteriorates during childbirth. The acceleration of their growth is pathologically influenced by hormone production, which is manifested not only during pregnancy, but also because of the constant use of contraceptives. Some scientists talk about an innate predisposition to form papillomas. Usually this factor will affect the occurrence of condyloma acuminatum.

in men

In most cases, papillomas are located on the anus, genitals, armpits, face, and hands. The tendency to form these growths is caused by bad habits, promiscuity. Men with a non-traditional orientation are at increased risk of HPV infection. The risk of developing papilloma increases if a person works in a hazardous industry, is often in a contaminated room, and is exposed to harmful chemicals.

Notice!Papillomas often occur in the mouth, larynx, and trachea.

risk factor

HPV infection and disease progression can occur under the influence of:

  1. Immunity drops sharply and the whole body weakens.
  2. Persistent stress, neurological shock, chronic depression.
  3. Smoking, frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages, other bad habits.
  4. Infectious diseases, including SARS and influenza.
  5. Gastrointestinal disease.
  6. Active sex life.
  7. Use of certain medicines, especially antibiotics.
  8. Visit public places characterized by high humidity: saunas, baths, swimming pools, beaches.

way for spreading

The most common situations that increase the risk of virus transmission:

  1. Sexual contact without a condom. In this case, some HPV strains have a 99% chance of transmission. The mucous membranes are susceptible to infection. Highly carcinogenic strains are considered the most dangerous.
  2. family connection. The spread of the virus can be carried out through the usual handshake and kiss. The risk of infection increases with skin damage.
  3. Personal items, clothing, personal hygiene items shared by individuals with virus carriers.
  4. Regular use of public swimming pools. In humid environments, the lifespan of the virus increases.
  5. Intrauterine infection can occur when the virus is passed from mother to baby during childbirth. If you are planning to become pregnant, it is advisable to have a test ahead of time and a course of treatment if this infection is detected.


After HPV enters the body, the incubation period begins. Activation of the virus occurs in the presence of a stimulus. The virus moves through the body with the blood, which is why papilloma formation can occur anywhere in the body. Internal organs are at risk for papilloma.

Notice!The location of growth is affected by its variety. For example, filiform papilloma often occurs where there is constant friction.

The most common location of papilloma:

  1. The area around the eyes.
  2. eyelid.
  3. the area around the mouth.
  4. near the anus.
  5. Limb surface.


Papillomas are benign tumors, but they have the risk of being malignant. If the papilloma suddenly grows large and is cause for concern, tests are necessary to rule out malignancy. The easiest to regenerate are papillomas that form on the mucous membranes. Malignant tumors are more susceptible to the formation of prolonged non-healing.

Notice!An area of the body where a papilloma is wrongly removed can easily degenerate into a cancerous tumor.

Dangerous consequences of refusing treatment for papilloma:

  1. Regenerates condyloma acuminatum located in the vagina. risk of cervical cancer. The process takes a long time, but the disease itself does not show characteristic symptoms. Without preventive inspections, it is nearly impossible to detect violations. Pathology manifests only in the final stages.
  2. If the papilloma is damaged, the infection may spread to the undamaged area. There is a risk of forming growths next to each other. If you notice such violations, you need to pay attention to the increase in viral activity and treat it symptomatically.


To reduce the risk of contracting HPV, prophylaxis is administered. Thanks to vaccinations, you can reduce your risk of contracting dangerous strains that can cause serious complications and worsen health. Vaccinations are given in childhood. If needed, the vaccine can be given to older adults under 26 years of age.

Notice!The vaccine is effective in the absence of HPV in the body. Before execution, diagnostic tests are performed to detect viruses.

To prevent the development of infection, HPV, it is necessary to adjust lifestyle:

  1. Pay attention to personal hygiene every day. Every time you go to a crowded place, you have to go through the necessary procedures.
  2. Obtain and use personal hygiene products. Do not exchange clothes or shoes, even with close friends.
  3. Stabilize immune system status. To strengthen your immune system, you need to take a vitamin complex. Medicinal vitamins are especially effective in fall and spring.
  4. Balance your diet.
  5. Reduce the effects of stressors and give up violent responses to unpleasant situations.
  6. Allow enough time for proper rest and sleep at least 8 hours a day.

To prevent the appearance of papilloma, you need to take care of your health and take necessary hygiene measures. If the presence of the virus manifests itself in the formation of papilloma, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner for treatment to eliminate the growths in the early stages of development.